There Is No Safe Experimentation With Drugs Anymore

American teenagers and young adults—especially college students—used to be able to party and experiment with drugs and alcohol without necessarily risking their lives. Not anymore! The drugs that kids encounter […]

American Despair and Addiction

In 2022, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that life expectancy at birth in the United States was 77.5 years, which is 1.1 years higher than in […]

What Is Tough Love?

“You must practice tough love!”“Let them hit rock bottom!” For decades, we’ve heard these common recommendations come from the medical profession, therapists, friends, and even the recovery community itself. Unfortunately, […]

How to Talk to Teens About Substance Abuse

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week is an annual, week-long health observance that was created to spark conversation among young adults around the science of drug abuse and addiction. This […]

Outpatient Detox Services Available Now

At The Blanchard Institute, we offer varying levels of outpatient care for individuals struggling with substance use disorders and the many co-occurring mental health disorders that often accompany these dependencies. […]

September is National Recovery Month

As an organization that engages with people dealing with substance use issues, our ultimate goal for everyone that walks through our doors is recovery. This month, The Blanchard Institute, along […]

International Overdose Awareness Day

Over the last 20 years, the United States has lost almost 1 million mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, sisters, brothers, aunts and uncles, and friends due to drug overdose-related deaths. Every […]

Purdue Pharma and the Opioid Epidemic

You may have heard and seen the name Purdue Pharma making headlines lately, and if you are familiar with the opioid epidemic, you most likely agree with our team at […]

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