Certified Soberlink Provider

As a Certified Soberlink Provider, our staff is trained on how to best use the Soberlink alcohol monitoring system to support our clients’ recovery based on their needs. The Soberlink program keeps our clients connected to their clinical team in a way that does not disrupt day-to-day life. Soberlink testing is a great reminder of recovery, and self-reporting to loved ones is no longer necessary thanks to real-time documentation through Soberlink technology.

To learn more about Soberlink and how we use it at The Blanchard Institute, contact us today.

How Does Soberlink Work?

The Soberlink alcohol monitoring device uses facial recognition technology to confirm identity during each breath test. BAC results are wirelessly transmitted in real time to Soberlink’s cloud-based recovery management software. The Soberlink system allows for custom testing schedules, as well as specific notification and automated report settings.

The Benefits of Using Soberlink

For Participants

  • Helps you stay connected with your recovery circle
  • Builds accountability and structure
  • Documents sobriety

For Families

  • Helps rebuild trust
  • Provides peace of mind

When Recovery Starts

The Soberlink program was designed to empower people in their first year of recovery. Studies show that monitoring in early recovery can lead to significantly better outcomes because it reinforces accountability and transparency with the client’s recovery circle. Soberlink technology uses a portable breathalyzer and recovery management software, making it easy to regularly screen for alcohol use. We celebrate each compliant screen as proof of our client’s continued success and growth in recovery. Besides being an additional source of accountability, Soberlink monitoring also provides support in the recovery process. Frequent check-ins with our staff provide the client with support for both academic and recovery advancement.

The Soberlink program delivers real-time blood alcohol results to our clinical staff. The visibility of results allows for a timely intervention when necessary. Ultimately, these shared results are documented and promote accountability.

Contact Our Team of Soberlink Providers

Because our team is trained on how to use Soberlink’s monitoring system, we can best support our clients through their recovery process. If you have any questions about Soberlink or how we use the system here at The Blanchard Institute, please feel free to reach out to us.

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