Depression Treatment

The Blanchard Institute

Depression Treatment

Help For Yourself

Help For A Loved One


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Why Choose Depression Treatment at TBI?

Depression is a chronic disease that can be managed through medication and therapy here at The Blanchard Institute.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, about 26% of individuals in the United States will experience a major depressive disorder (MDD) during their lifetime. While everyone experiences sadness, depression is more than just feeling sad. It’s when those feelings become overwhelming, affecting your ability to function normally in daily life.

If you are experiencing symptoms of depression, you may feel hopeless or worthless; have little interest in things that used to bring you pleasure; have difficulty sleeping or concentrating; have changes in appetite; lose weight or gain weight; or have feelings of guilt, worthlessness or helplessness.

Understanding the severity, in the following sections we will discuss everything you need to know about depression—from treatment and management options to the signs of depression and how they manifest themselves in your body. If you or a loved one are suffering from depression and are looking for depression treatment options, TBI is here to help you through this difficult time.

What Is Depression?

Depression, also known as major depressive disorder or clinical depression, is a mental health condition that affects your mood. It can cause feelings of sadness and hopelessness, which may be accompanied by physical symptoms, such as changes in sleep patterns and appetite. Depression is not simply a case of the blues, but rather a serious medical condition that can lead to other problems if left untreated.

People with depression experience long-term symptoms that interfere with their ability to function normally in daily life. These symptoms usually last for at least two weeks and can occur for months or years at a time.

It’s important to recognize the symptoms of depression and seek help if you think you’re experiencing them. If you’ve been feeling down for more than two weeks, we recommend consulting with a medical practitioner who specializes in treating mental health issues.

Of course, depression isn’t always caused by something as straightforward as chemical imbalance or genetics; sometimes it’s just situational! If you’re going through a difficult time in your life right now—a breakup or death in the family, for example—and are feeling down as a result, it’s important to remember that these feelings are temporary and will pass with time.

5 Major Types of Depression

Depression is a serious illness that affects millions of people around the world. While depression can affect anyone, researchers have identified five major types of depression:

  1. Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is the most common form of depression. People with MDD experience symptoms such as low self-esteem, sadness, and loss of interest in things they enjoy. They may also feel guilty and hopeless. MDD affects about 16% of the US population at some point in their lives.
  2. Bipolar Disorder is another type of depression that causes mood swings from severe lows to manic highs. People with bipolar disorder may experience extreme changes in energy levels and activity levels that occur for a period of at least one week or more. About 2% of Americans have bipolar disorder at some point in their lives.
  3. Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD) causes similar symptoms to major depressive disorder but lasts longer than 2 years without remission or relief from symptoms (in which case it would be considered chronic). PDD affects about 1% of Americans at some point in their lives—about half as many as those who suffer from MDD.
  4. Postpartum Depression (PPD) is a serious mental health condition that affects about 10% of women after childbirth. PPD can occur any time within the first year after giving birth, but it often develops in the first few months after delivery.
  5. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a form of depression that occurs during the winter months. SAD is estimated to affect up to 5% of the population in North America and Europe, with women being twice as likely to suffer from this type of depression as men.

Depression Treatment Options

Depression can be a difficult disease to diagnose, but once it’s been identified, there are many treatment options available. While those with mild depression may be able to manage it on their own, those with moderate or severe depression should seek out medical attention from a professional.

There are several types of depression treatment such as:


Antidepressants and mood stabilizers are often prescribed for moderate to severe cases of depression. These medications can help restore balance in your brain chemistry so that you’re less likely to feel depressed or stressed out by life’s events.


Behavioral therapy is also important to incorporate in depression treatment because it helps you learn new ways to cope with stressors that may be contributing to your symptoms. Behavioral therapy involves working with a therapist on specific skills related to managing stress or negative emotions. For example, if you find yourself ruminating about past events or feelings of guilt or hopelessness, you can learn how to redirect your thoughts toward more positive imagery and self-talk.


Studies show that exercise helps relieve symptoms of depression by releasing endorphins into the body which cause people to feel happier and more relaxed. Regular exercise can also help reduce stress, which is often a contributing factor to depression. Exercise helps you sleep better and improves your overall health. It’s important to consider any limitations or contraindications that may affect your ability to exercise, such as an injury or chronic pain condition.


Depression Treatment

Professional Assistance from Mental Health and Addiction Recovery

It is important to get professional help if you are struggling with depression. While self-help is an important part of the recovery process, it can’t replace working with a trained counselor or therapist. A mental health professional can help you find ways to manage your symptoms and reduce stress in your life. If you are suffering from addiction, it’s also crucial that you seek treatment for this condition as soon as possible because it can negatively impact your ability to recover from depression. Contact The Blanchard Institute today to start your journey to better mental health. Depression is a serious condition that can have a major impact on your life. However, with the right treatment plan and support network in place, you can recover from this illness and lead a healthy, happy life.

Drug and Alcohol Outpatient Detox FAQ’s

A dietary pattern characterized by a high consumption of red and/or processed meat, refined grains, sweets, high-fat dairy products, butter, potatoes and high-fat gravy, and low intakes of fruits and vegetables is associated with an increased risk of depression.

The exact etiology of depression is yet to be determined; however, multiple factors, including biological, psychological, and environmental factors are involved in the presentation of depression. For example, an individual who has a first-degree relative with depression has a four times higher risk of developing depression than the general population. Twin studies have shown that an individual with a monozygotic twin with depression has as high as a fifty percent chance of developing the disorder.

Major depression is caused by imbalance of certain neurotransmitters (chemical messengers) in the brain, such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. Antidepressants work either by changing the sensitivity of the receptors or by increasing the availability of neurotransmitters in the brain.

In addition to genetic components, there are many psychosocial factors that contribute to the development of mood disorders. For example, an individual with little or no social support will have fewer resources to handle stress and thereby will be at a greater risk of developing a mood disorder.

Experiencing sadness at one time or another is part of the normal human experience. However, depression is more than the occasional sadness that people experience. When an individual suffers from depression, the sadness tends to be more pervasive or long lasting, and can be accompanied by one or more of the following: decreased interest in pleasurable activities, feelings of hopelessness, low self-worth, excessive guilt, decrease in energy, concentration difficulties, appetite changes, sleep difficulty or excessive sleep, headaches, body aches and pains, and/or thoughts of suicide.

When feelings of sadness, low mood, or emptiness after the birth of the baby are significant and persists for 2 weeks or longer, postpartum depression may be present. It may be accompanied by hopelessness, crying spells, decrease in interest or motivation, worthlessness, decreased energy, thoughts of suicide, thoughts of hurting the baby, lack of interest in the baby, sleep difficulty or excessive sleep, appetite increase or decrease, and/or concentration, memory difficulties. Postpartum depression can affect both the mother and the baby in various, significant ways. Timely treatment is important.

Insurances We Accept
Beacon Health Options
Aetna insurance accepted
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Cigna insurance accepted
Magellan Health
United Behavioral Health
United Healthcare


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