Recovery Management

Sustaining Your Journey Beyond Treatment

The Recovery Management (RM) Program at The Blanchard Institute serves as a pivotal support system for individuals navigating the complexities of their first year of sobriety. Designed to seamlessly integrate into the continuum of care following Partial Hospitalization (PHP), Intensive Outpatient (IOP), or Outpatient (OP) Programs, RM extends the foundation built during initial treatment phases into the realms of everyday life and long-term recovery.

Why Recovery Management?

Transitioning from structured treatment to the demands of daily life presents unique challenges and stressors. Our Recovery Management Program, typically lasting eight months, is meticulously crafted to provide ongoing support, accountability, and relapse prevention planning, ensuring clients not only maintain their sobriety but thrive in their new lives.

A Comprehensive Support System

Relapse Prevention Planning: Collaborate with your Primary Therapist to develop a personalized plan that addresses emotional, mental, and physical aspects of relapse, equipping you with strategies to navigate potential triggers and stressors effectively.

Weekly Meetings: Flexible scheduling with morning and afternoon sessions allows RM to be a natural part of your routine, fostering a consistent support network without disrupting your daily responsibilities.

Connection to Community and Resources: As highlighted by Raven Richardson, our recovery connectors play a crucial role in facilitating your reintegration, connecting you with essential resources such as meetings, sponsors, employment opportunities, and peer support.

Benefits of Our Recovery Management Program

Tailored Clinical Support: Recovery connectors provide vital clinical support, guiding you through the practical aspects of living sober—managing day-to-day tasks, maintaining a safe and healthy environment, and achieving personal goals.

Alleviating Pressure: Recognizing early recovery’s inherent pressures, our team focuses on breaking down the change process into manageable steps, prioritizing immediate needs to alleviate stress and promote positive outcomes.

Community and Belonging: Join our Alumni Program to become part of a vibrant community of Change Agents. Engage in sober social events, community volunteer opportunities, and more, all while building lasting, supportive relationships.

Ready to take the next step?