At The Blanchard Institute, we offer four levels of care designed to fit each individual on their journey to recovery, happiness and a fulfilled life. All of these levels of care are clinically led, meaning the client works closely with our client care team so that the program is individualized to meet the client’s needs.

Each person afflicted with a drug and alcohol problem or co-occurring mental health issue has their own story and their own means of coping. The level of treatment that we determine for each client is provided to match the level of treatment best suited for that individual based on the severity of their illness and the support network they have surrounding them. Our process for making this determination first helps us to understand our clients’ needs by looking at the level of co-occurring health disorders, withdrawal symptoms, other possible behavioral issues and their family dynamic. We give every client a comprehensive assessment to ensure the level of care they receive sets them up for success.

Every client has their own journey to recovery, and at The Blanchard Institute we believe our long-term outpatient care philosophy of these four levels of care is the most successful for the client. However, we firmly believe that success is not linear. We see many clients in need of treatment that does not follow the typical path, and we will always work to be flexible to the needs of the individual and their families. If you would like to learn more about our long term care philosophy and the varying levels of care we offer across our North Carolina treatment facilities, contact us today.

Our Withdrawal Management services are part of an organized outpatient treatment program designed to treat the individual in a safe and comfortable environment as they work to cleanse their body of alcohol, mood-altering drugs and substances. The program encourages participation in our day treatment and intensive outpatient treatment. Every step throughout this treatment program is closely monitored and administered by our our nurses and trained clinicians.

Withdrawal Management is an essential element of lasting recovery. It is a critical step in the recovery journey because it treats the physical aspect of substance use disorders, helping to eliminate the body’s craving and the chemicals within the body – but it is not a “quick fix.” Participation in our Charlotte withdrawal management program is one of many steps in our comprehensive treatment plan to achieve a healthy, long-lasting life of recovery.

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

The Partial Hospitalization Program – or PHP – refers to an intense and highly structured method of treatment for those in very early recovery and is often referred to as day treatment. This program is meant to be short-term and is a stabilization level of care. It is designed to address early withdrawal issues, stabilization, support, and structure through a highly personalized experience and ample therapeutic time with our professionals.

Our PHP program provides a foundation of healing, holistically focused on the overall person rather than just mere behaviors and symptoms. All human beings have biological needs to feel safe, secure, and connected, which are interrupted and disrupted in those suffering from substance use disorders and mental illness.  Thus—structure, accountability, consistency, and connection are fundamental and essential building blocks to early addiction recovery and mental health stabilization.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

The Blanchard Institute’s Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) focuses on transitioning individuals back into a productive and peaceful lifestyle and teaches clients healthy tools & behavioral patterns to live a substance-free and productive life. As clients progress further into recovery, they will develop an increased awareness of themselves and others, especially in terms of accountability. This program is slightly less structured than PHP.

Outpatient Treatment Program (OP)

Our Outpatient Treatment Program helps to transition clients smoothly from the inpatient or partial hospitalization treatment setting back to the real-world challenges clients face in everyday life. After successfully completing our outpatient treatment, these clients have the right tools under their belt and are able to apply the techniques they’ve learned in recovery to the complex problems they’re sure to encounter upon leaving our facility. Outpatient treatment provides that last bit of group processing needed for the tools and techniques to stick for a life of recovery.

Recovery Management

At the Recovery Management stage of treatment, clients have completed our structured outpatient program and will have a solid foundation to which they can build their recovery upon. Coupled with a Relapse Prevention Plan created in primary therapy, this is the stage of recovery where we see clients celebrate the first year of their recovery journey.

Ready to take the next step?