Welcome Change Agents

As a valued member of our alumni community, you embody the spirit of a Change Agent—someone who not only transforms their own life but also profoundly impacts others. Your journey through recovery has prepared you to be a beacon of hope and a pillar of support within our community.

Stay Engaged, Stay Supported

Navigating life after treatment presents unique challenges and opportunities. Our Alumni Program is designed to ensure you have the continuous support and resources needed to meet these head-on. Engaging with our community keeps you connected to vital support through exclusive events, ongoing education, and peer networking, reinforcing your commitment to a sober, fulfilling life.

Expand Your Network

Connect with fellow alumni who share your dedication to sobriety and a purpose-driven life. Our events and gatherings are perfect for forging new friendships, discovering professional opportunities, and offering mutual support. Together, you will continue to grow, inspire, and lead by example, showing what is possible in recovery.

Make a Difference

Your journey and successes equip you to guide new clients as they begin their own paths to recovery. Through volunteer activities, community service projects, and mentorship roles, you can give back, providing the same support and inspiration that was crucial during your recovery. Your involvement helps sustain a vibrant, supportive recovery environment that welcomes everyone.

Continuous Learning and Growth

Recovery is a lifelong journey of discovery and growth. Stay connected with the latest in addiction science and recovery practices through our workshops, seminars, and social activities. These programs are designed to enrich your life, support your ongoing growth, and ensure you remain at the forefront of wellness and recovery trends.

Join Us Today

Whether you’re celebrating your first year of sobriety or marking a decade, the Blanchard Institute Alumni Program is here to enhance your journey. Reengage with your peers, participate in meaningful activities, and continue to build on the foundation you established in treatment.

Contact your Alumni Coordinator to learn more about upcoming events and how you can get involved. Your story is powerful, your impact immeasurable. As a Change Agent, you play a crucial role in our mission of recovery and renewal.

Ready to take the next step?