Substance Abuse Treatment

Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) affect a person’s brain and behavior, leading to their inability to control their use of substances like drugs, alcohol, or medications.

Overcoming an SUDs can be an immense challenge, but with realistic goals, support, and the help of caring professionals, it can be accomplished. The Blanchard Institute offers a wide range of comprehensive, individualized outpatient treatment programs for substance use and mental health disorders, including Outpatient Detox, Partial Hospitalization, Intensive Outpatient, and Outpatient treatment.

After working closely with this team for over a year, I am thoroughly impressed. With their patient centered approach, experienced staff, efficient operations and fantastic moral compass that they built around, it doesn’t get much better. This is exactly where I would send a loved one as they are in good hands.


Possible Signs of Substance Use Disorder

Though each individual is unique, here are some of the most common indicators individuals experience with substance use disorders:

  • An inability to moderate or control alcohol use.
  • Frequent cravings or withdrawal symptoms between uses.
  • Family members or friends express concern about your drug or alcohol use.
  • Dishonesty with friends or family about your usage habits.
  • Loss of employment or problems in school due to drug usage.
  • Financial or legal problems due to substance abuse.
  • Driving, gambling, or engaging in other risky behaviors while under the influence.
  • Going to extremes to acquire more drugs or alcohol.
  • Requiring greater amounts of the substance to feel satisfied.
  • Feeling like you have lost control of your drug usage.

If you or a loved one is experiencing any of these signs, we’re here to help.


Is substance abuse a disease?

Substance Use Disorder is a brain disease, and, like many other diseases, it is:

• Genetic – Some individuals are more likely than others to be affected.
• Progressive – It worsens over time if not properly treated.
• Fatal – It can ultimately lead to death without treatment.
• Predictable – The outcomes are consistent, regardless of the individual.

Is Substance Use Disorder curable?

While there is no “cure” to substance abuse, recovery is possible – meaning alcohol and drug use are “no longer active” in your body.

• Will always be susceptible to alcohol or drugs even though you may not currently drink or use drugs;
• Need to make significant lifestyle changes in order to stay in recovery;
• Have been so deeply affected that, even when you no longer use or drink, your addiction has left a lasting impact on the way you view yourself and the world around you.

Ready to take the next step?