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Recovery and Nutrition: Fueling the Body and Mind

Recovery and Nutrition: Fueling the Body and Mind

Recovering from the ravages of substance abuse can be a lengthy process, often spanning months or even years. Restoring the body from the damage that addiction does requires achieving nutritional balance. Moreover, nutrition in recovery means laying the groundwork for a generally healthier way of life.

Addiction recovery requires healing on many levels of your life. If you’re wondering how to recover from addiction, you need to prioritize both the body and the mind, as they’re inherently linked. 

How Alcohol and Drug Abuse Affect Your Body and Mind

Any prolonged, excessive drug or alcohol usage will have a significant negative influence on your nutrition and general health, just like any other substance you put into your body.

Drug and alcohol users frequently don’t consume enough food or the correct foods to receive the necessary calories and nutrients since these substances might reduce appetite.

Stress and poor health are caused by poor diet, which is also associated with an increase in cravings and relapses.

Moreover, abusing substances can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach injury, which makes it difficult for the body to absorb nutrients. So this means nutrition and addiction recovery are closely linked.

You may experience severe vitamin and mineral deficiencies, affecting your physical and emotional well-being. Eating disorders, inactivity, and inadequate sleep are among the most prevalent unhealthy lifestyle choices when you think of how to overcome addiction.

The Importance of Nutrition in Your Recovery Journey

Foods high in nutrients are essential for improving mood, mental clarity, and physical health, promoting a more seamless and long-lasting recovery process.

Although a rigorous diet is not necessary for addiction recovery, you must alter your perspective to understand how nutrition in recovery can start the healing process.

Because detoxing from alcohol or drugs might reduce appetite, adding vitamins, protein drinks, and smoothies to your meals is a good idea to help you stay nourished and achieve your goals. During detoxification, vitamin D, B, zinc, iron, and folate should be consumed often.

So, if you’re thinking about prioritizing nutrition and addiction recovery, look at our list of ways you can do so.

Building Healthy Habits for Long-Term Success In Recovery

Once you’re starting addiction treatment, you will have access to dietary support. Some rehabilitation programs offer classes on healthy eating. In these seminars, you will learn how to prepare meals, balance nutrients, and consume enough calories from the proper foods.

To receive customized assistance for your unique needs, you might also be able to consult with a qualified dietician. Aside from that, you can also make adjustments on your own that will affect your recovery.

So, consider how to overcome addiction by forming these habits below:

  • Incorporate more complex carbohydrates like grains, beans, pasta, bread, and lentils, ensuring a steady energy supply throughout the day. Consuming enough fiber and protein is essential for promoting relaxation and preventing constipation.
  • Supplement your diet with vitamins and minerals to compensate for any deficiencies. Examples include vitamins A, C, E, and B, minerals like zinc and magnesium, and electrolytes such as sodium and potassium.
  • Restrict caffeine and sugar intake as they may suppress appetite and cause dehydration. They could also trigger brain chemicals associated with substance abuse.
  • Establish a regular exercise routine to boost energy levels, mood, and metabolism. Exercise aids in releasing stress-induced tension and adrenaline, promoting calmness.
  • Stick to a routine to shift focus from current frustrations towards the next phase. Following a schedule for eating, sleeping, working, or schooling ensures a smoother day and a tranquil mind. Avoid overloading your schedule to prevent additional stress.

Everything considered, nutrition in recovery is critical to long-term addiction treatment. It promotes better sleep, increases energy levels, encourages good weight management, enhances mental ability, and lowers the chance of relapsing into substance misuse.

Start Your Sober Journey with Blanchard Institute

Though it can be hard to include nutrition in your healing process, you can effectively manage it and move forward with your path to long-term sobriety with the correct support and coping mechanisms.

Whether you’re wondering how to recover from addiction or you’ve already started your journey, Blanchard Institute can provide you with the resources you need to stay on track.

Contact our team today to find out how to help yourself or your loved one combat substance abuse.

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