Addiction Resource Blog


Welcome to our official addiction treatment blog, designed to keep readers informed on everything related to substance abuse, addiction treatment, and recovery. Here you’ll find articles on the entire spectrum of addiction and recovery related issues. This includes issues like addiction-related medical news, treatment methods, stages of the recovery process, coping skills, psychology of addiction, and other helpful guides.

Reading our blog will keep you up to date on the most recent news on alcoholism, drug abuse, and other unhealthy compulsive behaviors. It will also provide you with important insights from addiction professionals and information on how and where to get help.

Perhaps most importantly, The Blanchard Institute News provides its readers with inspiration, guidance, and hope. Just like admitting you have a problem is the first step toward recovery, learning about the nature of addiction is the best way to envision a permanent solution.

In the end, this is why our blog exists. Each article tackles a subject that’s relevant to the lived experience of people with substance abuse disorders and their families. By returning to our blog regularly, you’ll learn that you’re not alone in your suffering. You’ll read stories that apply directly to what you or a loved one is experiencing right now. Lastly, you’ll find the knowledge you need to begin a life of permanent recovery.


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