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Outpatient Detox Services Available Now

Outpatient Detox Charlotte

At The Blanchard Institute, we offer varying levels of outpatient care for individuals struggling with substance use disorders and the many co-occurring mental health disorders that often accompany these dependencies. Each of these different treatment programs is uniquely designed to work for each individual client. We understand that everyone has different needs and will require different treatment approaches depending on their history and their overall circumstances. For those who are in need of support to safely manage their withdrawal symptoms and transition to ongoing treatment and recovery, our outpatient detox program is a great fit.

Our detoxification services are part of an organized outpatient treatment program designed to treat the individual in a safe and comfortable environment as they work to cleanse their body of alcohol, mood-altering drugs and substances. Each client receives individualized care from our highly-skilled medical team and trained clinicians.

In addition, our detox services include a comprehensive medical history and physical examination upon admission; a specialized psychological consultation; biomedical, emotional, behavioral, and cognitive support; 24-hour access to emergency medical consultations; as well as case management and family support. Every step of the outpatient detoxification process is closely monitored and administered by our support team. The client will receive daily dual assessments, withdrawal management (medication or non-medical), and education to help with their transition to ongoing treatment. Family members are included in the education and management process and after-care planning, to set the client up for success.

Detox is an essential element of lasting recovery. It is the “first step” in the recovery journey because it treats the physical aspect of substance use disorders in helping to eliminate the body’s craving and the chemicals within the body. However, it is important to remember that detox is not a “quick fix.” Participation in our detox program at The Blanchard Institute is one of many steps in our comprehensive treatment plan to achieve a healthy, long-lasting life of recovery. 

We are now open and accepting new patients into the outpatient detox program at our Park Road location. If you or a loved one are in need of support through safe, comfortable outpatient detoxification, call The Blanchard Institute today.

Ready to take the next step?