The Blanchard Institute
Alcoholism Treatment
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Alcoholism Treatment At The Blanchard Institute
Alcoholism is a disease that affects the lives of millions of people every year. It’s important to know the signs and symptoms, as well as how to get help.
If you or someone close to you is showing symptoms of alcoholism, it’s important that you seek treatment immediately. The sooner they get treatment, the better their chances are of recovering from this disease and living a healthy life.
Alcoholism is a grave disease, but the condition is treatable if you have professional help and support. At The Blanchard Institute, we offer detox and ongoing treatment for alcoholism, as well as any co-occurring mental health disorders. In addition to Charlotte and Lake Norman, we also serve clients from all over the state of North Carolina. Our multi-faceted, holistic treatment approach addresses both the causes of addiction and any underlying mental health concerns such as depression or anxiety. We use a family-focused, evidence-based treatment regimen and we also provide support for loved ones affected by the addiction. To learn more about our alcohol rehab in North Carolina, please contact us online today.
What Is Alcohol Use Disorder?
Alcohol use disorder is a medical condition that affects the brain. It’s different from alcohol abuse, which is a behavioral issue. The symptoms of alcohol use disorder are:
- Recurrent alcohol use resulting in failure to fulfill major role obligations at work, school, or home (such as repeated absences or poor work performance related to substance use; substance-related absences, suspensions, or expulsions from school; or neglect of children or household)
- Recurrent alcohol use in situations in which it is physically hazardous (such as driving an automobile or operating a machine when impaired by alcohol)
- Recurrent alcohol-related legal problems (such as arrests for driving under the influence [DUI], fighting, or other violent behaviors while intoxicated)
- Continued excessive use of alcohol despite having persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems caused or exacerbated by the effects of its use (for example, arguments with a spouse about consequences of intoxication and neglect of children).
- Alcohol use is continued despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem that is likely to have been caused or exacerbated by the effects of alcohol (for example, continued drinking despite recognition that an ulcer was caused by alcohol consumption).
What Causes Alcohol Use Disorder?
Alcohol use disorder is a complex condition that’s difficult to treat. It’s also something you can develop without realizing it, and it can cause a lot of damage if left untreated. But what are the causes of alcoholism? How do you know if you have one? And what can you do about it?
The biggest reason that people drink is because they’re looking for a way to cope with stress. Alcohol is an escape from reality, and while that may seem like a good thing at first, it usually ends up causing more problems than it solves.
But there isn’t just one cause of alcoholism—there are many different factors that can lead to alcohol use disorder. Some of these factors include:
If your parents or grandparents struggled with alcohol abuse, then there’s a good chance you will too. This doesn’t mean that every member of your family who struggles with alcoholism is doomed—it just means that you might be more likely to develop the same problem than someone else whose family never struggled with this issue before.
If you grew up in an environment where drinking was normalized (like if everyone around you drank all the time), then this could lead to an increased risk for developing an alcohol use disorder later on down the line (even if you yourself don’t drink).
If you experience a lot of stress in your life, then this can lead to some people turning to alcohol as an outlet. This doesn’t mean that everyone who is stressed out will become an alcoholic—it just means that if you are someone who is more likely to turn to drinking when you’re stressed, then this can increase your risk for developing an alcohol use disorder later on down the line.
Experienced trauma
Life experiences can also lead to you developing an alcohol use disorder. For example, if you have experienced trauma in your life (such as sexual assault), then this could lead to some people turning to alcohol as a way of coping with their feelings. This is because alcohol can be used as a form of self-medication, which allows people to numb their emotions and feelings. It is important to note that not everyone who experiences trauma will develop an alcohol use disorder—it’s just a risk factor that may increase your chances of doing so.
Alcoholism Treatment Options
Now that we have discussed the causes of alcohol use disorder and how it can develop, let’s take a look at what you can do if you think that you or someone close to you may have an alcohol use disorder.
1) Behavioral Therapies
Behavioral therapies are designed to help you change your behavior, including your drinking habits. In general, behavioral therapy for alcoholism is based on the principle that alcoholics have a problem with the way they drink, rather than the amount of alcohol they consume. This means that treatment doesn’t focus on abstaining from alcohol completely but instead helps people drink more responsibly by reducing their consumption or getting them to stop altogether if necessary.
Some behavioral therapies also address underlying mental health issues like depression and anxiety, which can be contributing factors in alcohol abuse and addiction. These treatments can also help people who are trying to overcome other addictions at the same time as their alcoholism.
Some examples of behavioral therapies include:
* Behavioral contracting
In this type of therapy, patients write down goals or plans for their drinking habits as well as consequences for failing to meet those goals or breaking the contract with themselves (for example, losing money when they fail). The goal is to help patients develop new strategies for coping with stressful situations without turning to alcohol so they can avoid negative consequences such as job loss or financial problems caused by excessive drinking.
* Motivational interviewing
This type of therapy focuses on helping patients understand why they drink so much and how to develop new strategies for coping with stress. The therapist may ask questions such as “What do you think the reason is that you drink so much?” or “How could you handle things differently than you have in the past?” This kind of therapy helps patients understand their drinking habits and learn how to change them.
2) Support Groups
Support groups are another form of therapy that can help people with alcohol use disorder. In these groups, people share their experiences and learn from each other how to cope with life without alcohol. Support groups may also include family members and loved ones who have the same condition. These sessions can help patients feel less alone in their struggles and provide a sense of community.
3) Medications
Medications may be used to treat people with alcohol use disorder. They can help patients manage the symptoms of withdrawal, reduce cravings and prevent relapse. There are several types of medications that can be used to treat alcoholism, including
– Antabuse
This drug works by making the patient feel sick if they drink alcohol while taking it.
– Naltrexone
This medication helps people avoid drinking in situations where they might otherwise have done so, such as when they’re feeling stressed out, bored or happy.
Get Professional Help From The Blanchard Institute
TBI provides customized treatment plans for people with alcohol use disorder. We provide a safe and supportive environment where you can address your personal issues, share your feelings and learn new coping skills to help you get back to a healthy way of living.
We take pride in our work and have many of our patients that have gone through our outpatient detox program with success. Our goal is to help those looking for freedom from drugs and alcohol to get that freedom with the assistance of our expertise. If you or a family member you know is addicted to drugs or alcohol, we encourage you to contact us today!
Alcoholism Treatment FAQ’s
What Is Considered Binge Drinking?
Binge drinking is defined as a pattern of alcohol consumption that brings the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level to 0.08% or more. This pattern of drinking usually corresponds to 5 or more drinks on a single occasion for men or 4 or more drinks on a single occasion for women, generally within about 2 hours.
What Health Problems Are Associated With Excessive Alcohol Use?
Excessive drinking both in the form of heavy drinking or binge drinking, is associated with numerous health problems, including
- Chronic diseases such as liver cirrhosis (damage to liver cells); pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas); various cancers, including liver, mouth, throat, larynx (the voice box), and esophagus; high blood pressure; and psychological disorders.
- Unintentional injuries, such as motor-vehicle traffic crashes, falls, drowning, burns, and firearm injuries.
- Violence, such as child maltreatment, homicide, and suicide.
- Harm to a developing fetus if a woman drinks while pregnant, such as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
- Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
- Alcohol use disorders
How Do I Know If I Need Alcoholism Treatment?
Drinking is a problem if it causes trouble in your relationships, in school, in social activities, or in how you think and feel. If you are concerned that either you or someone in your family might have a drinking problem, consult with a professional to identify your treatment options.
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