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Together We Can on International Overdose Awareness Day

Overdose Awareness Day 2024

August 31 marks International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD)—a global campaign to end drug overdose.

International Overdose Awareness Day is the world’s largest annual campaign to end overdose, remember without stigma those who have died, and acknowledge the grief of family and friends left behind.

Preliminary data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found fatal drug overdoses in the US fell slightly in 2023 but remained devastatingly high, claiming 107,543 lives.

That compares with 111,029 overdose deaths in 2022. Drug deaths in 2023 remained above the 106,699 fatalities recorded by the CDC in 2021.

From 2000-2022, more than 36,000 North Carolinians lost their lives to drug overdose. This epidemic is devastating families and communities. It is overwhelming medical providers and is straining prevention and treatment efforts.


The IOAD theme for 2024 is “Together we can,” highlighting the power of our communities when we all stand together. We affirm that when we work together to heal and empower communities, we can save lives and end overdoses.

No one should stand alone in the fight to end overdose.

While every individual action matters greatly, coming together as an international community creates a powerful collective action. One that moves us with greater speed toward our shared goal of preventing, and ultimately, ending all overdoses.

Through our 2024 theme, “Together we can,” we’re highlighting the strength of coming together and standing in support of those connected to the tragedy of overdose.

For people who use drugs and those who don’t. For heartbroken friends and family members of lost loved ones. For activists who fight for sorely needed policy reform. For healthcare and harm reduction workers. For tireless advocates. Overdose can affect anyone, and we encourage you to remember the tenacity of our community. Lean into the power that we can have when we work together.

This Saturday, reach out and connect with others in your local community and join the global IOAD movement. Our collective voices are stronger, louder, and the most impactful when brought together.

Together, we can end overdose.


The Blanchard Institute has been at the forefront of raising awareness of recovery-related issues in North Carolina. Earlier this month, Blanchard was part of the 3rd annual Strike Out Stigma night in Charlotte to support mental health awareness. In July, Blanchard hosted its annual Recovery Awareness Day

Blanchard cultivates a safe, comfortable environment for clients and their families across North Carolina. Our recovery management and alumni program support a life-long recovery. Your journey to recovery doesn’t end with day or outpatient treatment, once you’re with Blanchard, we’re always there for you.

Our admissions process is discrete, confidential, and non-invasive. For more information about our services and IOP schedules, call us at (704) 288-1097 —our experienced specialists will guide you through the process and treat you with the dignity and compassion you deserve.

Ready to take the next step?